Para recordarlo y celebrarlo, la EDBC [Escuela de Diseno de Baja California] realizo un desfile de modas en el que los alumnos exhibieron creaciones inspiradas en la vestimenta de la epoca revolucionaria.
En el evento disfrutamos del alegre son jarocho de La Pura Pulpa.
El desfile se realizo a manera de concurso y el ganador se eligio bajo las siguientes condiciones:
-Que tan usable es la prenda en la actualidad?
-Inspiraciones acertadas
-Fidelidad al sketch original
A continuacion les presentaremos algunos de los disenos que mas nos gustaron, y al final el diseno ganador.
November the 2Oth we celebrate Mexican Revolution, and this year is bit more special, because it's been a hundred years of the greatest social and politic event of the 2Oth century in Mexico.
And to remember and celebrate it, the EDBC made a fashion show in which the students presented their creations inspired by the clothing used in the revolution times.
We enjoyed the music from La Pura Pulpa
The show was made as a contest too, and the best design was chosen under this conditions:
-Is the design actually wearable?
-Accurate inspiration
-Sketch fidelity
Here, our favorite designs from the show! And at the end, the winning designer!
So, what do you think?
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